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Free Plantar Fasciitis Exercises

From Wimbledon-based London Foot Pain Clinic

Quick Overview From Plantar Fasciitis Clinic Wimbledon

Plantar fasciitis is a common condition affecting the foot, particularly the heel and the underside (plantar area) of the foot. It occurs when the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes, becomes inflamed. This inflammation can cause pain and stiffness, making it difficult to walk or stand.

Common Sensations and When It's Sore

- The most common sensation is a stabbing pain near the heel.
- Pain is usually worse in the morning or after sitting long.
- Pain may also worsen after exercise, not during it.

Reasons for Plantar Fasciitis

- Walking on toes or heels: Alters standard foot mechanics.
- Barefoot running: Puts extra stress on the plantar fascia.
- Poor footwear: Shoes without proper support can strain the fascia.
- Direct pressure: Standing for long periods, especially on hard surfaces.

Types of Pain Distribution

1. Classic Distribution: Pain at the base of the heel.
2. Rolling Arch Plantar Fasciitis: Pain starts at the heel, travels inside the heel bone, and extends towards the big toe.
3. Complicated Plantar Fasciitis: Often co-exists with ligament damage or medial tibial stress.

Acute vs. Chronic Plantar Fasciitis

- Acute Plantar Fasciitis: Lasts for a shorter duration and is often easier to treat.
- Chronic Plantar Fasciitis: More persistent and typically more challenging. It's crucial to seek care within four weeks of the onset of symptoms. After this period, the condition may progress towards chronicity, indicating a state of poor healing.

Importance of Recognising Early Symptoms

Pain may fluctuate, often described on a scale of intensity. Recognising even mild discomfort as a sign of potential plantar fasciitis is essential. Many individuals overlook mild pain, leading to a delay in treatment and potentially more chronic conditions.


Exercise Plan for Plantar Fasciitis

**Disclaimer**: Consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you're dealing with a condition like plantar fasciitis.


1. Toe Stretch: Sit with your affected leg crossed over your other knee. Gently pull your big toe back towards your ankle. Hold for 15-30 seconds.
2. Foot Rolls: Roll a frozen water bottle or a foot roller under the arch of your foot for a few minutes.

Strengthening Exercises

1. Towel Curls: Place a towel on the floor and use your foot to scrunch it towards you, but not your toes. This movement is tiny; expect a single crease to appear in the towel.
2. Calf/ heel Raises: Stand on the edge of a step and slowly raise and lower your heels. The lower phase should be prolonged (5-7 seconds), and the heel drop from the toes should not be excessive. A maximum of 2cm is enough.


1. Achilles Stretch: Stand with your affected foot behind your other foot and lean into a wall, bending your front knee while keeping your back leg straight.
2. Plantar Fascia Stretch: Cross your affected leg over your thigh. Use your hand to pull your toes back gently.

Cool Down

- Repeat the foot rolls and toe stretches as in the warm-up.


- Perform these exercises 2-3 times a day, especially in the morning and after periods of sitting or standing.


- Gradually increase intensity and duration to avoid overstraining.
- Combine these exercises with suitable footwear and, if necessary, orthotics.

rehab for plantar Fasciitis

plantar fasciitis free rehab - foot roller

Remember, consistency is vital in managing and recovering from Plantar Fasciitis in the Wimbledon area. Each individual's response to treatment may vary, so it's crucial to tailor the exercise plan according to your needs and progress.

Regular re-evaluation by a healthcare professional is advisable to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment plan.

If you're from Wimbledon SW19 and have been suffering from what you think is plantar fasciitis, we offer the gold-standard treatment known as Foucsed Shock Wave Therapy, along with classics or orthotics. Shoe inserts and taping. if you are interested in professional diagnosis and treatment plan consultation at our foot pain clinic in Wimbledon is just £65